Salon Safety Guide

01 Aug, 2024 Simrit Hunjan

Salon Safety Guide

Hygiene or cleanliness is very important in salon business not only in terms of health aspects but also in terms of establishing trust among its targeted consumers. Every client who pays a visit to your business premises should feel safe; more so given the new normal brought about by the Coronavirus where cleanliness is paramount.

Join us as we also explore the incredible features, surprising insights, and innovative technologies that make Prolyncs Online Appointment Booking Software the ultimate solution for salons looking to streamline operations and enhance customer experience.Below you find the guidelines on how to maintain the salon cleanliness as well as useful tips after each client.

1. Sanitation Protocols

Clean it Every time You See a Client

  • Surfaces: Ensure that the areas popular with the clients like Counters, Treatment chairs, doorknobs amongothers, are disinfected after every client using the EPA approved products.
  • Tools and Equipment: Disinfect with strong detergents or even apply autoclave for the common items that are washed with human skin such as scissors, combs and brushes. Correct procedures learned from the manufacture help in correctly sanitizing the equipment. 
  • Linens and Towels: Ensure that each customer receives clean linen and towels without having used them by others. It is mandatory that used ones should be stored separately and should be washed with some soap and hot water.

2. Personal Hygiene

HygieneStarts with You 

  • Hand Hygiene: Probably the most effective recommendation is the necessity to wash hands frequently. Remind employees to scrub their hands for at least 20seconds or use the sanitizers before engaging any client and after. 
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Ensure you provide your team with disposable gloves, masks, and face shields. This is particularly so when the procedure is going to be a contact one so as not to spread germs around.


This way you will make your clients trust you, which makes the environment to be health conscious through cleanliness.


3. Client Screening and Health Checks

Proactively Protect Everyone

  • Health Screening: Before making appointments, inquire clients on sign of any illness or travel to infected regions in the last two weeks. This can be achieved by use of a short survey that will take a shortspan of time to complete. 
  •  Temperature Checks: Temperature should be taken from clients and employees without physical contact with a contactless thermometer. Persons exhibiting signs of fever should change an appointment and seek medical advice from the relevant authorities. 


 Another reason would be that through health checks, clients have the impression that safety is valued and that they are comfortable.


4. Social Distancing Measures

Space = Safety 

  • Station Arrangement: Space salon stations in a way such that every client will be six feet apart. This; it minimizes interaction and makes the setting more secure. 
  • Appointment Management: Just as with the lifts, stagger appointments and restrict the number of individuals in the salon at an instance in order to avoid overcrowding. 


This alone prevents the spread of an infection and also relieves many people’s fears of being in a crowded place, which makes the atmosphere in the salon even better.


5. Education and Training

Knowledge as a Factor that Strengthens the Team

  • Staff Training: Train employees on proper sanitation and hygiene measures as well as safety measures at least every three months. Make sure that your workers are aware on how to clean, disinfect, and protect self and clients. 
  • Client Communication: It is crucial to notify clients about readiness measures through signs, emails, and social media and so on. Explain to the clients what they expect from them during their visit and how they can support the wards in keeping the place safe. 


Customers are always glad to see that your salon is concerned with their health, hence creating a base for the business and customer loyalty.


6. Ongoing Monitoring and Compliance

Staying aheads of the curve

  • Routine Audits: Make it a habit to inspect the salon where there is adherence to set Down to the smallest detail. Developed checks: The spot checks can reveal any lapses in cleanliness and hygiene procedures so that corrective measures can be made immediately. 
  • Stay Updated: Ensure that you educate yourself on some of the measures recommended by the local and or national health bodies. Due to the shifting of public health guidelines, your salon’s safety procedures need to grow as well. 

It is especially effective in fostering long-term loyalty from clients who believe a salon delivers the ultimate customer experience. By embracing cutting-edge practices and prioritizing client satisfaction, your salon can stand out as a trusted and preferred destination.

Hygiene Practices in Salons – Before, Current, and Future

COVID-19 has visibly left people fearful of contacting unknown surfaces, this is why many salons have adopted new technology and ways of working with customers. Some hair salons are going paperless, taking payments through contactless methods, and some of the equipment is even self-cleaning, while the air you breathe is filtered to the highest standards tested. By adopting them as the latest innovations you’ve shown your willingness to continually enhance safety measures hence bolstering the confidence of clients in your salon.

Prioritizing Client Safety for a Positive Experience

By adopting strict sanitation and hygiene protocols, salons offer clients peace of mind, assuring them that their health is a top priority. From thorough disinfection practices to staff training and clear communication, your salon becomes not just a place for beauty, but a safe and welcoming environment. Keep your salon as a trusted choice by maintaining these high standards and fostering a clean, inviting atmosphere for all.

Want to learn more about how we maintain a safe and hygienic salon environment? Follow us on Instagram and Facebook and stay updated on our latest safety protocols, tips, and services. Ready to experience a clean and safe salon visit? Message us on social media to schedule your next appointment or consultation! #SalonSafety #ClientCare #HygieneFirst


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