Prolyncs provides a platform where employers can efficiently organise and update essential details about their workforce. This includes personal information, contact details, job roles, and other pertinent data related to each employee.
Here's how to add new employees:
Step 1: While on the dashboard, go to the sidebar > click on "Business" > "Manage Employee"
Step 2: Select "Add an Employee"
Step 3: Fill in employee information and their permissions
Step 4: Choose employee hours
Step 5: Press "Save" when done
Can employee information and permissions be changed later? Yes, to do so simply head over to Manage Employees, and under the “Active - Inactive” switch, there will be a button that will allow you to access employee information, and give you the ability to change information
Can employee hours be changed later? Yes, over on the Manage Employee page, edit the employee you wish to change their schedule and change their timing